This Day in Track & Field, March 17, Marshall Brooks becomes first man over 1.83m/6 feet (1876), Sergey Bubka breaks his own WR 0f 5.97m (1987), by Walt Murphy

This Day in Track & Field, March 17, Marshall Brooks becomes first man over 1.83m/6 feet (1876), Sergey Bubka breaks his own WR 0f 5.97m (1987), by Walt Murphy
Walt Murphy’s News and Results Service  (   This Day in Track & Field–March  17—Happy St.Patrick’s Day 1876–Oxford University’s Marshall Brooks became the first man to clear 6-feet (1.83m) in the High Jump. Brooks would raise his record to 6-2  ½ (1.89) 3 weeks later. Brooks: History of the High Jump: 1925—The seemingly unbeatable Paavo Nurmi fell victim […]

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